Friday, July 1, 2011

Here I am!

Welp, I did it...I gave in.  I have been reading blogs (both from friends and random) for about a year now, and I was hooked.  I love catching up on my friends' lives, reading popular blogs about decorating/cooking/sewing, and even reading about random people I don't even know!  When John suggested that I start a blog I honestly thought he was crazy, simply because I thought our life was boring...we don't have kids, we're on a tight budget so we don't do "extravagant' things, we're newly weds, etc.  But then I realized, for these exact might be exciting to write a blog! We don't have kids yet so we get to do some crazy things! We're on a tight budget and honestly its really fun sometimes...I'm excited to share funny stories and helpful tips on decorating, do it yourself projects, shopping and more tricks on a budget.  We're newly weds...and I seriously have the funniest stories about "Shawna and John-isms".  John is on Young Life staff. Enough said...the stories there are never ending. In fact, I decided to start this blog while we are on our Young Life assignment month at Timber Wolf Lake, Michigan.  John is a dining hall boss, and I have no job so needless to say... I could possibly be blogging quite often!   So anyways...I hope you will enjoy reading about our lives.  I named the blog "Livin' Life" because so often I look at John and say "I love living life with you", because that is exactly what we're doing. But the title goes even deeper than that...I remember when we were volunteer leading in college and we would learn in our Young Life Leadership about how sharing our lives with these kids was a way to show them Jesus.  Since high school, the one verse that was burned into my brain and heart (Thanks Ben Tuel!) was John 10:10 - "...I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." Jesus offers us life to the fullest...and that's exactly what we have and what we're doing! Livin' Life....and life the full!  So wish me luck! It will be a rocky road...but hang with me... I think this could be really great!

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